Ronald Zipper D.O

Contributing my expertise and experience as Assistant Professor; National and International lecturer; Disability/Impairment and Expert Witness to OmniLife Virtual (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), by developing VR Medical Experiences, including: Orthopedics; Occupational; Sports; Musculoskeletal; Patient Care; Arthritis; Chronic Pain; and Legal medicine.


Contributing my expertise and experience as Assistant Professor; National and International lecturer; Disability/Impairment and Expert Witness to OmniLife Virtual (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), by developing VR Medical Experiences, including: Orthopedics; Occupational; Sports; Musculoskeletal; Patient Care; Arthritis; Chronic Pain; and Legal medicine. My OmniLife colleagues and I will improve VR and AR by focusing on teaching VR to all levels of Health Care professionals and medical trainees the art of patient skill development, through VR education, Remote VR uses and developing enhanced VR/AR techniques and standards. The art of Patient Goal Setting education that achieves positive patient care outcomes through the exciting spectrum of VR Experiences is emphasized, which prioritize positive and long-lasting outcomes with evidence-based medicine (EBM) State of the Art progressive growth and improvement in quality of life, diagnoses and personal improvement.