As a provider of Virtual Reality (VR) technology, OmniLife VR works with companies to provide their facility the latest VR equipment.
VR Is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. By simulating as many senses as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch.
HTC Vive – headset, controllers, and tracking peripherals.
· Interactive Learning (Training, Education)
· Interactive Therapy (Healing, Rehabilitation)
· Interactive Fitness (Exercise, Wellness)
Depends on your package selection. (2-4 with the right package)
Thousands of games from our library. We will help you choose the right content for your audience.
10 to 90
· Ideal: 8 feet x 10 feet (flat) area with a 7 foot + tall ceiling
· Minimum: 6 feet x 6 feet
· Included in space: TV, TV stand, headset, controller and computer
The area requirements allow players to interact with the experience more fully and truly experience all that VR has to offer.
One standard electrical outlet: 110V, 10amps, 3-prong power outlet.
Wi-Fi speed minimum of 15Mbps
Package includes: All equipment (package selected) along with documentation, technical support information.
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Contact us for your custom design and quote.
Everyone will need to sign the Terms and Condition document.
Not likely. While inside the game, the system will project a grid that alerts you when you’re to close the walls.
For the best experience 4 ft. to 7 ft.
Not likely! The head set is designed for the average pair of eyewear.
Consult your doctor before using virtual reality equipment if you have pre-existing serious medical conditions (such as a heart ailment), conditions that effect your ability to safely perform physical activities, psychiatric conditions (such as anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder), or if you are pregnant or elderly.
Some people may be susceptible to unexpected motion sickness.