Clifford Rylander Meet Clifford Rylander, EBA & SVP, a seasoned challenge-seeker raised in Cold War-era Germany. With a lifelong affinity for diverse cultures, Cliff has embarked on a global...
Jim Hampton graduated from William Jewell College in 1979 acquiring a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in mathematics. He was named the executive director of...
Dr. Jeremy Bonnesen is the director/principal of Summit Technology Academy (STA) at The Missouri Innovation Campus. He has over 26 years of experience in education. He has received numerous awards and...
Colleen Jones currently is the Director of College/Career Readiness and Community Partnerships for the Liberty Public School District, Liberty, Missouri. She has worked in Liberty for 25 years as a...
Edwin Burch serves as the district’s Executive Director of Communications and Marketing for Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools (KCKPS). Prior to Birch’s current role at KCKPS, he served as the...